Welcome to Folkmog
Folkmog - the Eastern Counties Centre of the Morgan Sports Car Club, covering Norfolk and Suffolk. We also welcome members to our meetings and events from other MSCC Centres.


Folkmog at Fat Lamb Inn North Yorkshire, September 2024
About us
Our Centre is one of 35 in the UK and each Centre is affiliated to the Morgan Sports Car Club with Folkmog covering Norfolk and Suffolk,
Currently we have in the region of 120 members with each of our events enjoying a turnout of 25 to 60 members. In addition to varied single daytime activities Folkmog has a Summer holiday and Autumn break each year alternating between the UK and holidays to mainland Europe. Countries visited in recent years include The Netherlands, Luxembourg and France. View our Events page on this Website to see the Programme for the current year.
Folkmog welcomes members of MSCC from anywhere across the country and internationally. Members of Folkmog are able with their MSCC membership to be members of more than one Centre.
Contact us for more information and to get the most out of your Morgan car. Join the MSCC using the link below.
The link to the MSCC is below
Join Us - Morgan Sports Car Club
Contact us
Nearest Morgan dealer:
Krazy Horse, Lamdin Road, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP326NU
01284 749645 www.krazyhorse.co.uk